Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Three years ago I was introduced to evaporated cane juice and have been using it ever since. A few weeks ago it dawned on me that I had no idea why I use it except that it was better for my family than sugar. After a little research I found some helpful facts.

Refined sugar and evaporated cane juice are both made from sugar cane, but evaporated cane juice does not go through the same amount of processing as refined sugar. So, evaporated cane juice retains more of the nutrients found in sugar cane. It can be used for cooking and to sweeten food and drinks.

Click here to read more about evaporated cane juice and the health benefits. You can find evaporated cane juice at your local health food grocery store such as Harry’s.

Important Disclaimer: Evaporated cane juice will not alter the great taste of your favorite Tea & Traditions tea.

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