Thursday, May 29, 2008


Make a lemonade concentrate using your favorite lemonade mix using only half of the water. Example: If you are making one gallon use lemonade mix for one gallon, but only ½ gallon of water. Prepare ½ gallon of Cherry Blossom tea following directions on package and add to the lemonade concentrate and refrigerate. Makes a delicious, cool and refreshing drink for summertime!

This can also be done with Hibiscus Punch. Do not be afraid to experiment with your favorite teas or herbal blends. If you come up with something unique and yummy please be sure to share.



1 tsp. Chocolate Dream
3 oz. water
3-4 scoops vanilla ice cream or low fat frozen yogurt
3-4 ice cubes
1 crushed chocolate mint candy or cookie – optional

Prepare Chocolate Dream with only 3 oz. of water and let cool completely (can be refrigerated). Place 3-4 ice cubes in blend and crush. Add ice cream, tea and blend. Pour into glass, add crushed candy/cookie on top and enjoy!

Approximately one 6 oz. serving.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



CONGRATULATIONS! Your book and tea will be headed your way soon. I cannot think of a better way to spend an early summer afternoon!

Those of you who are not dolls123 and would like to try our tea,
please email me at

info [@] teaandtraditions [dot] com

and I will be happy to send you a sample. Please visit our website and make your selection from there. I need your name and address in the email.

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:18
Timestamp: 2008-05-28 04:53:24 UTC

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Win a free, autographed copy of A Life that Says Welcome by Karen Ehman and a sampler pack of tea from Tea & Traditions. Details following interview.

Would you be surprised to know that hospitality has less to do with you, your house or your fine china and more to do with making others feel comfortable? Author of A Life That Says Welcome, Karen Ehman clearly explains what hospitality really is. Karen is a wife, homeschooling mom of three, author and speaker. God has gifted her in making the once seemingly impossible task of hospitality seem possible. In her book she includes recipes, decorating tips and much more.

We are excited to share our interview with
Karen Ehman. Be blessed and encouraged by the wonderful insight she shares!

What inspired you to write A Life That Says Welcome?
I wanted to share the lessons I learned about the difference between what the world calls "entertaining" and what the Bible teaches on hospitality. I learned this lesson the hard way when I married into a family full of cooks, decorators and bed and breakfast owners while I myself could barely boil water! I tried for years to impress my new family until God taught me a much needed lesson. Also I wanted to provide lots of practical and doable ideas for decorating, cleaning and cooking for guests.

My favorite definition of hospitality comes from your book: “Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others and strives to meet their physical and spiritual needs so that they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home.” You explain that the Lord began to teach you the difference, how important is that in your ministry?
Very!!!! It must always be about God's glory not ours. When it isn't, we fall flat on our faces every time!!!

In your book you discuss the biblical sisters, Mary and Martha. You praise Mary, but also defend Martha, why?
She was serving as best as she knew how. Jesus and his entire entourage was coming to her house after all! Someone had to cook and clean and get things ready. It was actually Mary's behavior that would have seemed odd in that culture. Women were not supposed to sit at the feet of traveling teachers. They were to do exactly what Martha was doing. Actually, today I think we need to do both. We should sit at Jesus feet to learn how to serve, then we should serve with all of the gusto Martha had, just minus the attitude!!!

Why is it so important to extend hospitality first to our families?
So we don't end up living out a huge contradiction!!! We don't want our families to remember us moms pulling out all of the stops for company, but not attempting to ever do anything beyond frozen pizzas for our own family!!! Our husbands and children should be the primary focus of our efforts, not the recipients of all of our leftover goods and goodies.

Tell me a little about your ministry of hospitality. Is there one experience that stands out above the rest?
It varies with each season of life. For years it seems it was other young moms and their kids over for a play date. We moms could share while the kids played. Sometimes it was a neighborhood Bible study group we hosted for those who had never studied the Bible for themselves. Now, often it is a group of hungry teens "hanging out" studying for an exam at the homeschool academy or goofing off after the ball game. As always, I try to make others feel welcome by providing a place to unwind and simple food, but plenty of it.

What are a few simple steps you could share with someone who knows the Lord is calling them to extend hospitality, but they do not know where to begin?
Start simple. Don't invite a lot of people for an entire meal. Invite one woman for tea. Or invite a mom and her child for grilled cheese sandwiches and cookies. From there, branch out.

Your newest book The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized is obviously about organization, can you tell me how organization ties in with hospitality?
It ties in very closely because if our home is in relative order and we aren't over-committed with our time, we can have the confidence and the white space in our calendar to offer hospitality to those whom God is nudging us to.

How can we learn more about your ministry and/or purchase A Life That Says Welcome and your other books?
Visit me at to check out my blog, my books or inquire about having me speak to your group. I'd love for you to leave a comment or bookmark my site and visit when you can!!

In order to win, you must leave a comment about tea or hospitality on this post by midnight on May 28th. You may enter only once. The winner will be selected by a Random Integer Generator. We must have a way to contact you, so in your comment leave your email address in this format: info [@] yahoo [dot] com. The winner will be announced here on Wednesday, May 29th and will be contacted by email. Your prize will be mailed to you directly.


How many times have you had an unexpected visitor and had nothing to offer them to eat or drink? That does not have to be the case. Tea is a great drink to have on hand for that unexpected visitor or friend who called and “just needed to come over and talk.” Tea & Tradition’s teas will stay fresh for up to a year in our sealed bags. You can store several easily, in our bags, in your cabinet or pantry and have a nice variety to offer your friend, neighbor or occasional stranger who happens upon your front door.

I have recently discovered these great mixes at the grocery store for muffins, brownies and cookies. The muffins require only milk. How easy is that? They cost between 94¢ to $1.58 and are DELICIOUS. I keep them in my pantry, so when I have unexpected visitors and we sit down for tea I can easily offer them a sweet treat to go with it. Something warm from the oven really makes people feel special not to mention a cup of delicious tea.

It does not have to be fancy! People just want to feel special. Tea tends to slow us down and allows us to focus on our guest. People come over for a lot of reasons and sometimes we do not even know what those are, but going the extra mile can really minister to an unspoken need.

Share your stories of hospitality using tea. Click on "comments" below and type your experience in the box provided, then click "publish comment". I look forward to hearing from you!

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:8-9

When hospitality becomes an art it loses its very soul. Max Beerbohm

Saturday, May 17, 2008


These sound like an easy and delicious summer treat for an afternoon tea. Trader Joe's sells a delicous jar of lemon curd.

This recipe taken from Rachel Ray's website:

  • 4 small individual sponge cakes, sold in packages of 6 on baking aisle
  • 1 jar prepared lemon curd, any brand
  • 1/2 pint raspberries
  • 1/2 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1 canister whipped cream
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest


Arrange sponge cake on serving dish. Remove lid from lemon curd jar and heat in microwave 30 seconds on high to warm and loosen. Fill cakes with curd sauce. Top curd sauce with berries, whipped cream and lemon zest.

Try this paired with our French Creme Brulee', Whitlock Afternoon or Cherry Blossom.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tea & Traditions is excited to announce, effective immediately; tea, tea products and accessories are now available at One of a Kind on Whitlock Avenue in Marietta. We will stock between eight - ten teas and all the local blends in specialty tins. Also available are T-sacs (all sizes), perfect measures, infuser mugs and tea sticks. One of a Kind has also agreed to allow pick ups at the store, Wednesdays only, on a trial basis. If you would like to place an order to be picked up at One of a Kind you may email it to or call us at (770) 429-3220. The order will be picked up and paid for at One of a Kind. The total order will include an additional 10% pick up charge and in most cases that will be less expensive than shipping.

We hope this provides Tea & Tradition's customers with more flexibility in ordering tea and tea products.

For directions and store hours
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